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Concept2, Inc

SkiErg World Sprints Training Program

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Aug 18, 2017
Here’s a training program designed to get you ready for the SkiErg World Sprints 1000 meter challenge. Josh and Ben, skiers and members of the Concept2 Customer Service team, used this program last year. The program requires just two workouts per week on the SkiErg, preferably not on back-to-back days, and assumes that you are getting exercise on 3–4 other days per week—whether rowing, biking, running or another choice. Continue Reading ›

Field Trip! World Masters Games 2017

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May 23, 2017

This past April, New Zealand played host to the World Masters Games, an international sporting event held every four years. It’s an opportunity for masters athletes in 28 different sports to compete on an international level. Concept2’s Dick Dreissigacker and Judy Geer made the trip to New Zealand and took part in the rowing portion of the Games.

World Masters Games rowing venue on Lake Karapiro in New Zealand.
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Indoor Rower, SkiErg, or Both?

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Apr 11, 2017

Both the indoor rower and the SkiErg offer high quality exercise that is impact-free, user-controlled, and measurable. Both are based on exhilarating sports that involve legs, core, back and arms. Either one alone will provide a convenient, effective form of full body exercise.

What may be less obvious is that the two motions are highly complementary. Continue Reading ›

On Plateaus and Progress

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Mar 15, 2017

Have you ever hit a plateau—that place where your progress seems to stagnate? You’re not getting faster or fitter—in fact, it feels more like the opposite.

Sometimes this can mean that you’ve been doing too much for too long and without making sure to get enough recovery time. Recovery is a necessary part of improving fitness, so be sure to give your body some time to rest and prepare to go harder again soon.

But a plateau may also mean that you’re not doing the right kinds of workouts for you. Recent research is pointing out several things: Continue Reading ›

