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Concept2, Inc

Cross-Training with the SkiErg

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Feb 07, 2017

Just as the indoor rower is used by many people who are not on water rowers, the SkiErg is not just for skiers. It’s a great option for anyone wanting an aerobic exercise that uses the arms and core and can be done with or without the legs. When the legs are used, it’s a full body exercise. When the legs are not used, it’s a terrific choice for those who may be dealing with a leg injury or other lower body limitation. Continue Reading ›

Employee Profile: Marc Stäubli

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Feb 03, 2017
Growing up in a sports-dominated household, it seems inevitable that Marc Stäubli would end up working for Concept2. His original career path looked quite different than joining a rowing company: he was expected to take over the family business—a sports department store—in Horgen, Switzerland, a beautiful town along the south bank of Lake Zurich. Marc has deep roots in Horgen and many Stäublis live here. To prepare for the family business... Continue Reading ›

New World Record Categories

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Nov 18, 2016

In response to increased participation in our World Records and the expansion of our equipment offerings, Concept2 is introducing several new world record categories. Today, we are announcing world records for pieces done using Slides and a limited number of categories for pieces done using the Dynamic Indoor Rower. We will, of course, continue to maintain “static” indoor rower records. Continue Reading ›

