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What Is The Ideal Rowing Stroke?

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May 22, 2018
In our minds, we often “see” ideal rowing technique: A fluid motion that initiates the stroke with the legs, engages the back and core, and finishes with the arms. The drive is strong and the recovery is relaxed and long. And yet, why is it that we always seem to find faults with our technique? We are all constantly looking for improvements (or we should be!). It is difficult to demonstrate “perfect” technique, even when working with the most decorated athletes in the sport. If you watch Olympians, you’ll see many variations in how they row. Different body shapes, sizes, styles and biomechanics guide our actions. If we find the “perfect” stroke, how do we sustain it? What is ideal technique? Can you see it in your mind? Or are we all chasing something unattainable? Continue Reading ›

Employee Profile: Kyle Senesac

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May 14, 2018

Kyle Senesac spent time in Bend, Oregon, and Bozeman, Montana, before returning to his native Vermont to complete his college education. “I decided that I missed the people and the lush vegetation of Vermont, so I enrolled at Johnson State and finished my degree in Psychology.”

For a while after college, he worked at a local residential program for troubled teens. He then joined Concept2 in 2011 to become a member of our Oar Production Team. Continue Reading ›

How to Continue Rowing After College

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May 04, 2018
Graduation is ahead, and in addition to the midterms and finals, you may be eager to put the stress of erg tests behind you. Some high school and college athletes continue rowing on the national team level, many bound for international competition. But what is there for the rest of us? Luckily, rowing is a lifelong sport, so there are many ways to stay involved in the sport you love.
Cornell University Rowing, 1996
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Indoor Training for the Outdoor Seasons

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Apr 25, 2018

The snow is finally melting so we can "row" outdoors!

We’ll be the first to admit that when the weather is nice we’d rather be outdoors than inside working out. Concept2 employees are active outside year-round in all kinds of weather skiing, running, mountain biking, paddling, road cycling, hiking… and rowing! We encourage you to spend some time outdoors, too. But there are good reasons to keep in touch with your favorite indoor workouts in spring and summer. Continue Reading ›

No Time? No Problem. How I Fit Workouts into My Busy Schedule

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Mar 21, 2018
There was a time (which now seems like a long, long time ago) when my workout wasn’t a rushed affair squeezed in between meetings, daycare pickup, and folding laundry. Recently, I found myself feeling a tinge of jealousy when I realized my friend who was working out after work had the luxury of a warm up, a long workout, a full cool down, and a long, hot shower in her own bathroom. My workouts these days used to be my warm ups. As a full-time working mother of two young girls, I’ve adopted a new exercise motto: “Something is better than nothing.” Here are a few suggestions on how to sneak in a little rowing, skiing and riding in your life, no matter what demands are placed on your time. Continue Reading ›


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