The Concept2 Utility is free software available from Concept2 that allows you to update the firmware in your PM3, PM4 or PM5, upload your workouts to your Online Logbook at, and manage the data on your LogCard or USB flash drive. The high-level overview of how this process works is as follows:
Note: The instructions in this section are written for the latest version of the Concept2 Utility available. If you are not running the latest version, we recommend upgrading.
The Concept2 Utility works with several types of devices. The device you use depends on the equipment you have and the task you are trying to do. Here are the scenarios for which you’d connect a Performance Monitor to a computer for working with the Utility:
Connecting a Performance Monitor to a computer requires a generic USB cable that has a Type B plug on one end for plugging into the PM, and either a Type A or Type C plug on the other end for connecting to your computer. Please check your computer to see what type of USB plug it accepts. Refer to the image below for help.
Available on the Concept2 Online Shop:
To connect your PM:
If you need to remove the PM from your indoor rower or SkiErg:
Refer to the image below. Depending on which machine you have, the components may look a little different, but the general idea is the same.
The first time you connect a PM to a Windows computer, you may be prompted to install a driver (a program that allows your computer to interact with the PM) for the “USB Device.” Follow the prompts and accept the default selections. Some versions of Windows may require the Windows Operating System CD to complete driver installation.
The PM5 works with USB flash drives (FAT and FAT32 USB formats only) to store results, perform firmware updates and more. This USB flash drive works just like other USB flash drives you may have used: insert it into any USB port on your computer. You can then use the Concept2 Utility to manage the data on the drive.
Prior to using the USB flash drive to store results or perform firmware updates, it must be initialized. You can initialize it either with the PM5 or the Concept2 Utility. Steps for each method follow. For more information about what occurs behind the scenes during initialization, refer to USB Flash Drive Overview.
You must be running Concept2 Utility Version 7 or higher to follow this procedure.
At, you can create a free online logbook for storing your meters and participating in online challenges. To save you from having to hand-key your results into your online logbook, you can use this option to upload your result data directly to your online logbook.
To use this option, you will need a working internet connection, an online logbook at, and one of the following:
We also recommend having your online logbook username, password and Ranking ID handy before using this option. Your Ranking ID is your unique identifier in our online logbook database. You can find your Ranking ID by logging into your online logbook, clicking the person icon on the upper right corner of the screen and clicking Profile.
Note: Following an upload from a PM5, results will remain in PM5 Memory unless you delete the results from the monitor itself.
In addition to seeing completed results and uploading them to your online logbook, you can perform the following tasks when viewing a list of results in the Concept2 Utility:
The Print button available when viewing the list of results generates a paper version of the information displayed. For example, if you have expanded the splits for a particular user, the splits will be expanded for that user on the print out. If you have collapsed a user's workouts so that just the user's name is displayed in the list, then that is how the resulting print out will look.
Results information generally appears with the splits and intervals hidden by default. To view them, either click the plus button* next to a particular workout (click it again to hide the information) or:
*Note: This may appear as a right arrow in some operating systems.
To show all the workout information (including splits and intervals) for all users, right-click in the list of results and click Show All. Right-click in the list of results and click Hide All to collapse all workout information and show only the list of users.
If you plan to use the Concept2 Utility frequently to upload your results to your online logbook at, setting defaults for machine type and weight class will save you from having to correct/edit information in your online logbook after you upload results; it will also save you from having to make these selections for every result in the list prior to upload. You can always change these selections for a particular result if they don't apply to it.
To access these settings:
When transferring data from your USB flash drive or LogCard to a spreadsheet, the type of file the utility creates is a .csv file (for example, LogCard.csv). A .csv, or Comma Separated Value file, is a type of file in which the data is delineated, or separated, by commas. In other words, the commas tell a software program where the different data elements begin and end.
The utility creates a .csv so that you are not restricted as to what type of program you need to read the file. Microsoft Excel, as well as other programs such as Microsoft Works or Access, can import and read .csv files. When opening a .csv file, you may be prompted by a Text Import Wizard to indicate how the data is delineated in the file. If this occurs, make the appropriate selections to indicate the data is delineated by commas.
To view the resulting file created with the Transfer to Spreadsheet option, you will need to have a program installed on your computer that is capable of opening .csv files. If you do not have a program on your computer with this capability, and you simply want to view the information on your USB flash drive or LogCard, click Upload/Transfer Results and then click Upload to Online Logbook. The utility will read the USB flash drive or LogCard and display the information, which you can then print if you choose.
The Transfer to Spreadsheet option transfers all the data on your USB flash drive or LogCard (you cannot transfer only certain pieces of information), including heart rate information if you are using the appropriate equipment to display heart rate data on the Performance Monitor during your workout. Please note that the Transfer to Spreadsheet option will overwrite previously transferred data if you transfer data to the same file. Additionally, the Transfer to Spreadsheet option will not work if you are transferring to a file that you currently have open on your computer. In this case, close the file before doing the transfer, or change the name of the file the Concept2 Utility will create.
View a sample spreadsheet(PDF)
You cannot upload results to your online logbook from a .csv. Additionally, you cannot transfer data back onto a USB flash drive or LogCard using a .csv.
Take the following steps to transfer the data to a spreadsheet:
If you chose to have the utility automatically open the file and Excel is installed on your computer, the utility will launch Excel and display the spreadsheet created by the Transfer function. If Excel is not installed on your computer, the utility will prompt you to select the application you would like to use to display the spreadsheet created by the Transfer function. (If you have already set your computer to open .csv files in a particular application, the utility will use that application to open and display the file.)
If some of the data is not visible or appears as ###### when viewing the data in a spreadsheet, the data is too wide for the column. Widen the spreadsheet column to see the data in its entirety.
This function allows you to fully reload the current firmware onto your PM if recommended by Concept2 Technical Support.
The update takes several minutes. During the update, the Concept2 Utility displays a progress indicator and will let you know when the process is complete.
This function allows you to send a unique diagnostic email to Concept2 in order to diagnose monitor problems and upload data for analysis.
This function allows you to repair errors in your log data on a USB Flash Drive (PM5 only), in the PM5 Memory, or on a LogCard (PM3 and PM4 only).
This function allows you to backup your log data to a file on your computer.
For PM3 and PM4 users: When creating a backup file of your LogCard data, the type of file the utility creates is an .lcb file (for example, LogCard.lcb). You can use the .lcb file to restore data to a LogCard, if needed.
This function allows you to restore data from a backup file on your computer to a USB Flash Drive (PM5 only), the PM5 Memory, or a LogCard (PM3 and PM4 only).
This function allows you to delete results from a PM3/PM4 LogCard, the PM5 Memory, or USB Flash Drive. This will only delete results. It will not delete users, Lifetime Meters or Favorite Workouts.
This function allows you to change the type of machine the monitor will be used with (SkiErg, Indoor Rower Model A, B, C, D, E or Dynamic).
On most monitors, all available languages are installed when the firmware is updated. On some monitors, however, not all of the languages can fit in the monitor memory. This option allows you to specify the language you want to ensure is installed on your monitor.
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