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BikeErg Cycling Class

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Jun 28, 2018

Concept2 tries out a BikeErg class at our recent global meeting.
Concept2 employees are always trying new and different workouts to keep our training room fun and to test out ideas we can share with the broader Concept2 community. The BikeErg inspired us to try a more typical indoor cycling class workout, with a class leader, music, inspiration and motivation—the whole experience. Since we don’t have an in-house cycling class instructor (yet!), we used an app. We have mostly used CycleCast for different length workouts, but there are many options and we recommend that you test a few to find one that works for you. Continue Reading ›

Rowing is a Leg Sport

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Jun 04, 2018

Some people associate rowing with a traditional rowboat, where you sit on a fixed bench and row using just your arms, back and core. While these boats have been used for ages for recreation, fishing and transportation, they are not particularly speedy, streamlined or efficient. With the addition of a sliding seat, rowing (for recreation or racing) is a full-body motion that engages all of the major muscle groups of the body—most notably adding the legs. Continue Reading ›

What Is The Ideal Rowing Stroke?

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May 22, 2018
In our minds, we often “see” ideal rowing technique: A fluid motion that initiates the stroke with the legs, engages the back and core, and finishes with the arms. The drive is strong and the recovery is relaxed and long. And yet, why is it that we always seem to find faults with our technique? We are all constantly looking for improvements (or we should be!). It is difficult to demonstrate “perfect” technique, even when working with the most decorated athletes in the sport. If you watch Olympians, you’ll see many variations in how they row. Different body shapes, sizes, styles and biomechanics guide our actions. If we find the “perfect” stroke, how do we sustain it? What is ideal technique? Can you see it in your mind? Or are we all chasing something unattainable? Continue Reading ›

How to Continue Rowing After College

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May 04, 2018
Graduation is ahead, and in addition to the midterms and finals, you may be eager to put the stress of erg tests behind you. Some high school and college athletes continue rowing on the national team level, many bound for international competition. But what is there for the rest of us? Luckily, rowing is a lifelong sport, so there are many ways to stay involved in the sport you love.
Cornell University Rowing, 1996
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