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Employee Profile: Christine Glover

Aug 12, 2015


Carl, Katie, Christine and Willi Glover
We’re fortunate for cold winters here in Vermont, because thanks to a warm fire, Christine Glover joined us here at Concept2 a decade ago. “My husband bought the newspaper because we needed it to start the fire,” she explains. But before lighting it, “he glanced through the paper and saw the job ad for Concept2. He turned to me and said, ‘you should apply, that’s a great company’. I did, and it’s probably one of the best decisions of my adult life.” As the Controller for Concept2, Christine brings warmth to her day to day accounting functions. In managing cash and credit cards, balance sheets, taxes (and more!), Christine works across many departments in our offices. This allows her to interact with different people daily, which she greatly enjoys within her position. “Concept2 is a great group of people and it has been wonderful getting to know everyone and helping them in their jobs. I feel very fortunate to have been hired here.” Christine’s route to Concept2 started with only a few hundred dollars in her pocket and a sense of adventure. “I always knew I wanted to live in Vermont, so after college, I packed my car and headed north with my dog and $300.” She started out working at the local ski resort, where her eventual husband, Carl, hired her as a waitress. They ran a restaurant for many years together while raising a family. Christine’s responsibilities transitioned to bookkeeping and real estate accounting, and eventually she returned to school for more formal accounting training. Originally, Christine earned her B.S. in Home Economics Education from the University of Connecticut-Storrs. She is still passionate about cooking, entertaining, hosting, and gardening, which is a benefit to her coworkers when she bakes in the kitchen or hosts parties for Concept2 visitors. The daughter of German immigrants, Christine tries to keep up old European traditions and family values. Her parents taught her that “everything that you give will come back to you, so be caring, supportive and generous and your life will be great.” Christine thanks the supportive environment of Concept2, a company that promotes health, exercise and wellbeing, for helping her reach the best shape of her life. Christine joined the CrossFit classes offered here at our headquarters a few years ago, and is now stronger and fitter than ever. Despite the limited opportunities she had growing up to play formal sports, Christine has always been dedicated to “anything water”: swimming, boating and skiing. Working for a rowing and skiing company is a natural fit! Christine and Carl have been married for 29 years and have two grown children, Katie and Willi, and two crazy cats, Guido and Mr. Paws.

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