Challenges | Page 8 | Concept2


Indoor Training for the Outdoor Seasons

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Apr 25, 2018

The snow is finally melting so we can "row" outdoors!

We’ll be the first to admit that when the weather is nice we’d rather be outdoors than inside working out. Concept2 employees are active outside year-round in all kinds of weather skiing, running, mountain biking, paddling, road cycling, hiking… and rowing! We encourage you to spend some time outdoors, too. But there are good reasons to keep in touch with your favorite indoor workouts in spring and summer. Continue Reading ›

No Time? No Problem. How I Fit Workouts into My Busy Schedule

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Mar 21, 2018
There was a time (which now seems like a long, long time ago) when my workout wasn’t a rushed affair squeezed in between meetings, daycare pickup, and folding laundry. Recently, I found myself feeling a tinge of jealousy when I realized my friend who was working out after work had the luxury of a warm up, a long workout, a full cool down, and a long, hot shower in her own bathroom. My workouts these days used to be my warm ups. As a full-time working mother of two young girls, I’ve adopted a new exercise motto: “Something is better than nothing.” Here are a few suggestions on how to sneak in a little rowing, skiing and riding in your life, no matter what demands are placed on your time. Continue Reading ›

SkiErg World Sprints Training Program

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Aug 18, 2017
Here’s a training program designed to get you ready for the SkiErg World Sprints 1000 meter challenge. Josh and Ben, skiers and members of the Concept2 Customer Service team, used this program last year. The program requires just two workouts per week on the SkiErg, preferably not on back-to-back days, and assumes that you are getting exercise on 3–4 other days per week—whether rowing, biking, running or another choice. Continue Reading ›

Happy 30th Birthday, Million Meter Club!

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May 04, 2017

Lisa Washburn's office wall decorated with Million Meter certificates

The Million Meter Club began in 1987 to inspire our customers to row more meters, keep track of those meters, and then celebrate the achievement. The goal was simple: reach one million meters on the indoor rower no matter how long it took to get there.

On the Club’s 30th Anniversary, we thought we would take some time to reach out to some of the individuals who embody the spirit of million meter rowing (and skiing!). Continue Reading ›

Indoor Rower, SkiErg, or Both?

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Apr 11, 2017

Both the indoor rower and the SkiErg offer high quality exercise that is impact-free, user-controlled, and measurable. Both are based on exhilarating sports that involve legs, core, back and arms. Either one alone will provide a convenient, effective form of full body exercise.

What may be less obvious is that the two motions are highly complementary. Continue Reading ›

